
How Can You Help?

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To serve and accompany the children and teenagers who participate in the activities of the Children’s Centre, stay at the Children’s Home to recover from their traumas, overcome their learning difficulties in the Remedial School, or promote our Policy of Child Protection demands a growing list of requirements which incur increasing costs. In this context, sustainability becomes a serious concern, and while we are working on it, we would like to invite you also to collaborate, by inviting you to be one of our benefactors with a contribution within your possibilities. The children and staff of St. Bernadette will be forever grateful to you.

Please donate via cheque or International Bank Transfer


You can make your contributions to the following accounts:
Asociación Civil “Santa Bernardita”

Account in dollars: 0011-0111-0100015432-26
Account in soles: 0011-0111-0200280214-24

Tax Exempt Resolutions for Donations:

The Civil Association St. Bernadette is recognized by SUNAT, the local tax authority, as an institution that can receive donations, Resolution No. 0230050196504 (March 24, 2017), and recognized as an Tax Exempt Institution for Income Tax, Resolution No. 0230050196128 (February 10, 2017).
The resolution given by APCI recognizes us as a private non-profit institution for receiving “Donations of Assistance or of an Educational Character” from abroad, with Directorial Resolution No. 309 – 2017 / APCI / DOC on June 14, 2017.